Tier 2 General
Work Visa



A tier 2 general work visa is the primary way an individual can work within the united kingdom, this route is eligible for people who already have a job offer and are skilled workers. When a skilled worker wants to work in the UK, their employer needs a visa sponsorship as well as having the visa connected to the specific job of the worker. Within the visa process there are two categories, the most important one would be the tier 2 for any international graduates.

Key Points

- Make sure you have an accurate sponsor for you employment.
- Provide evidence that your salary is a suitable amount.
- Show evidence that you are able to communicate verbally and by text in english.
- Show you are capable of traveling by yourself as well as your personal travel history within a period of the last 5 years.
When it comes to a sponsorship it is very important to know the contents of it, this is not a tangible certificate it is a digital (electronic) record of your personal details as well as sensitive information about your employment and what it entails. As the certificate of sponsorship is not tangible when you apply for the tier 2 visa, your employer will provide you with a unique reference number which you provide within your application. However, it is very important to know that you can only use your reference number once and only 3 months after receiving your reference number for your sponsorship.
- Reference number for your sponsorship of employment - Evidence of your understanding of the English language - A declaration provided from a bank or a letter which states that you have at a minimum of £945 for at least a period of 90 days before applying for your tier 2 visa. - You must provide your passport or other legal travel documentation that is up to date and allows you to travel legally (ensure there is an unmarked page to apply your visa on to it). - To enter the country you must undergo and pass a tuberculosis test and provide evidence that you have passed said test.