About Us

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About Us

We continue to embrace diversity of thought and opinion in everything we do, in the belief that when views collide, disciplines interact, and perspectives intersect, truly original thought takes form.

Throughout our history, we’ve fostered social justice and improved lives through academic excellence. And we continue to live and breathe this spirit today, not because it’s simply ‘the right thing to do’ but for what it helps us achieve and the intellectual brilliance it delivers.


Our Mission

Engage in outstanding postgraduate research in the humanities at the School of Advanced Study..


Personalized Learning

Pace of learning is adjusted to the learner’s needs, abilities and personal preferences. As a result, every learner can progress at their own pace; more talented/committed ones can progress faster, while those who are having difficulties acquiring certain skills or knowledge have the ability to take more time to fully grasper/understand the concept in question.