Together we can make a Difference

Our Programs

Be part of a change in the World.

Changing lives, families and communities

Be part of a change you want to see in the world.

Priorities for food security

  • Increase available local foods to people especially nomadic people and poor migrants.

  • Teach and help people grow sustainable foods.

  • Increasing more nutritional foods and alternative foods for a balanced diet.

  • Increase intake through daily precooked food.
Priorities for the development of health and medical equipment

  • Collect donated high-end medical equipment and tools.

  • Pay for the costs of transporting medical equipment to ensure they reach the destinations where it’s needed most.

  • Increase the Number of Immunization with proactive health care providers.

  • Increase the Professional Attainment for the healthcare industry and train individuals in such industries as Medical, Hospital, Health Care, and recruit volunteers at the same time.
Priorities for economic development

  • Micro Lending for Women and Poor People that will increase the access to market capital so that farmers will borrow small amounts to enable many to create a cycle of economic development.

  • Create Coop Market were farmers will sell their goods and produce such as Fruits, Seeds, and Milk for barter trading to get what they need before the food goes bad because of lack of refrigeration.

  • Bring Business to the Community where people have access to transportation and various goods.

  • Increase the number of Women that can be trained as business women at an early age.
Priority educational attainment for young people

  • Increase access to education by engaging the community at a younger age.

  • Increase the number of Young Girls who are going to Schools.

  • Certify and help teachers to get more training.

  • Increase the number of Technical Training and schools for special skills training such as Growing foods, Water and technical Institute.