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International students

Eight things you need to know about studying in the UK
1. There are more than 395 universities and colleges, offering over 50,000 undergraduate-level higher education courses across the UK.
2. UK higher education applications are made through UCAS.
3. There are different deadlines for applying for different courses, and to different universities – take a look at the key dates and deadlines relevant to courses you’re interested in.
4. You will need to pay tuition fees – these vary depending on the uni or college and course you choose. You may be able to get financial help with your tuition fees, or a scholarship. However, EU students are not subject to tuition fees in Scotland.
5. The amount of money you will need to cover living costs will vary based on where you study. London and other large cities tend to be more expensive.
6. Many international students need to apply for a visa to study in the UK, and there are work permit restrictions and some English language qualifications you may need.
7. Universities advise all applicants what standard of English is required for their courses. Most course providers will ask you to demonstrate proficiency in English, or to take an approved English language test if English is not your first language.
8. First year students tend to live in university halls of residence (university accommodation) – but there are lots of other accommodation options.

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